EVER AND NEVER//landscapes


Por lo general, Ever y Never en inglés se utilizan para hablar de cosas que una persona ha hecho en su vida sin decir CUANDO sucedieron. El primero lo emplearemos en estructuras interrogativas y el segundo, en afirmativas con significado negativo, de tal manera que expresaremos lo siguiente

EVER: indica a quien preguntemos si, en algún momento de su vida, le ha pasado o ha hecho algo determinado.

NEVER: informa de que, hasta la fecha, no hemos realizado una acción determinada, no nos ha sucedido algo en concreto, etc.

video explanación: 



ENGLISH: ‘Landscape’ is a concept which includes the physical environment and people’s perception and appreciation of that environment. It is not restricted to the purely visual, but may comprise and encompass the ways in which individuals and communities perceive the natural and physical resources, as through traditions, lore, and legends that express the significant and memorable elements of a landscape.

SPANISH: "Paisaje" es un concepto que incluye el entorno físico y la percepción y apreciación de la gente de ese entorno. No se limita a lo puramente visual, sino que puede comprender y abarcar las formas en que los individuos y las comunidades perciben los recursos naturales y físicos, a través de tradiciones, tradiciones y leyendas que expresan los elementos significativos y memorables de un paisaje.

1. Beach: a pebbly or sandy shore, especially by the sea between high- and low-water marks.

2. Lake: a large area of water surrounded by land.

3. Stream: a small, narrow river. 

4. Field: an area of open land, especially one planted with crops or pasture, typically bounded by hedges or fences.

5. Ocean: a very large expanse of sea, in particular each of the main areas into which the sea is divided geographically.

6. Waterfall: a cascade of water falling from a height, formed when a river or stream flows over a precipice or steep incline.

7. Rainforest: are characterized by a closed and continuous tree canopy, moisture-dependent vegetation, the presence of epiphytes and lianas and the absence of wildfire. 

8. Island: An island or isle is any piece of subcontinental land that is surrounded by water. 

9. Valley: a low area of land between hills or mountains, typically with a river or stream flowing through it.

10. Desert: desert is a region of land that is very dry because it receives low amounts of precipitation.

11. River: a large natural stream of water flowing in a channel to the sea, a lake, or another river.

12. Mountain: mountain is an elevated portion of the Earth's crust, generally with steep sides that show significant exposed bedrock
